Subscription and Pre-order Management


Tired of missing your books? Want a reliable solution to your monthly reading? Subscribe to titles, crossovers, and follow your favourite creators - and leave it to our revolutionary subscription management system! 

Browse the titles coming out in the pre-orders section with full details, covers and crossover details, and chop and change what you want month to month.

Our mini-app will open in a new window, and you'll need to email us to set up an account for you


Q. What is the dashboard?
A. A small news section, alerts of recommended titles you might like, and books by your favourite creators, and the issues out this and next week, from your order history.
Q. What are subscriptions?
A. Subscriptions are the core our service – It allows you to "Subscribe" to your favourite titles and have them sent to your door without have to track down each issue yourself! You can either subscribe to a title or to crossovers
Q. How do I subscribe?
A. You can you can either go to your subscriptions page and enter the titles you want to get each month or as you’re browsing around Pre Orders and something takes your fancy pop it into your list using the subscribe button.
Q. What subscription options are available?
A. I'm glad you asked! When it comes to subscriptions, by default you’ll get the standard cover – but you can choose to receive the variant if there is one (first available if there’s more than one) or all available covers (you can set a default preference in your account settings), if you change the cover settings from within your subcription page, this will override your main account setting
Q. But I want multiple copies?
A. We've got you covered - head over to your Subscriptions page, expand the title you have subscribed to use and the quantity buttons to get more (or less)
Q. I've subscribed, what now?
A. Each month, when we add new releases, our system will automatically grab any available issues that month, and put them in your basket, according to your preferences – this includes getting the right covers (apart from where publishers go a little crazy!) and all the parts of crossovers if you’ve asked for that!
Q. Can I unsubscribe?
A. Yes, well no, you can deactive a subscription, but we don't like you too :-( head on over to your Subscriptions and find the title you want to unsubscribe from, in the bottom right is a orange button click that ... or not :)
Q. Can I resubscribe?
A. Of course head over to Subscriptions and at the bottom of the page will be your inactive subscription, click the re-subscribe button!
Q. Why can't I resubscribe to a title?
A. Titles will become inactive if the series finishes, but you’ll still see them, as they often will get a new run, and this will save you missing them in the future!
Pre Orders 
Q. What are Pre Orders?
A. At the beginning of each month, when we add new releases this is where they will be – Comics, Graphic Novels, Magazines, and soon other categories
Q. When do you show new release?
A. We aim to get all new releases listed at the beginning of each month, as early as possible
Q. What can I do here?
A. All items have as much information against them as we can cram in – creative teams for Comics, prices, and importantly – release dates. Browse around, add items to your basket or subscribe to Comics
Q. What does this icon mean shuffle
A. It means the release is part of a crossover click it to view the crossover details
Q. Can I see the creators?
A. Yep, click the release image, it will bring up a details window with more information, you'll see the list of creators and their role. If you see someone you like, click this icon (person_add) to follow them, then from your Dashboard or at the top of the Pre Orders you'll see everything they released this month
Pre-Order Basket
Q. What is my Basket?
A. Here you will find your automatically grabbed issues from the current month, and anything you add manually.
Q. How do I add items to my Basket?
A. Throughout the site you will see our basket button click it to get an item in your basket
Q. I only want to pay for some item now, how?
A. No problem, if you're only interested in paying for some items now, you can Save For Later just look for this icon update
Order History
Q. What's this Order History all about?
A. There isn't much to it really, you can see all your previous invoices, with details of all items, release dates and shipping dates, so you know we’ve got them out to you.
Q. What is Account Settings?
A. Manage your contact details so we know where to send your stash (You won't be able to purchase anything until completed). Change password if needed & change your username once
Q. What is Subscription Preferences?
A. It's your default subscription preference – all subscriptions have a preference of cover type, but if you prefer all covers all the time, you can set that here then any subsequent Subscriptions will default to that. Check out "What subscription options are available?" in the Subcription FAQ for more info
Q. I can follow creators? Isn't that a bit creepy?
A. Err, yes it is, but it's not that kind of following. You can let us know which creators you like... artists and writers (and indeed letterers and colourists if you so desire) – add and remove themhere, and any new stuff by them will be flagged up for you on your Dashboard and top of Pre Orders
Shipping, Charges & Changes
Q. When will I get my stuff?
A. We will ship at the end of each month for pre orders, with the full order for that invoiced pre-order. At our discretion we may send a mid month delivery if your monthly subscription is large. You can also contact us about increased shipping at a small cost, and this will be available as an option on the site soon.
Q. How much will it cost?
A. Shipping is free for pre orders if sent once a month, other stock items will be marked where relevant for shipping cost. Bags and boards are included.
Q. What else should I know?
A. Whilst we have spent a long time getting all our site features right and as useful as possible, we are beholden to the data we receive and publishers CAN change things – cover art is not final, prices may change (though rarely), and release dates can slip. We will inform you wherever possible, as soon as we’re notified of these changes. Orders placed on your behalf for pre-orders are committed to and cannot be altered.
Automatic Billing 
Q. What is this?
A. Automatic Billing is where you simply specify an upper amount that we can charge you (we pre-fill a suggested amount based on your past orders) and each month you need do nothing more than check that your basket contains the pre orders you want
Q. Where is it?
A. You can find the Automatic Billing option on your Dashboard (must be logged in) or on your Account Settings
Q. How does it work?
A. At the point of us confirming comics with the supplier, your basket be automatically turned into an order and you'll be billed the exact amount for your basket contents with any default postage options and discounts applied first. If your basket amount is more than your automated billing limit, you'll see a warning on your basket, and you can either remove items... (who are we kidding) or amend your billing limit on PayPal (click the cog when you log into PayPal for account settings,then click Payments, and Manage Pre - approved Payments).
Pickup Locations link
Q. What is this?
A. Pickup Locations are designated shops where you can collect your order. This is currently a trial service starting with some games shops where you'll be able to pick up your order.
Q. How does it work?
A. From a predefined list, you tell us where you'd like to pickup your order and we'll make sure it gets there by a particular date and voilà, it really is that simple.
Q. How do i set my Pickup Location?
A. In your Account Settings you'll see a drop down with the currently available pickup locations. Once you've chosen a location you'll see a new option appear when selecting your postage on from the basket.
If you have Automatic Billing configured, you'll pickup location will be used by default.
Anything else
Q. I need help, what can I do?
A. We absolutely love to help our customers so please get in touch anytime, you can use our live chat which can be found bottom right of the website